
Taurus Gas Processing, LP was formed in September 2000, with the acquisition of the Breckenridge sour gas processing plant, formerly owned by Warren Petroleum.  In 2005, Taurus built a 20+ mmcfd cryogenic gas processing plant (Plant 112) at the intersection of state highways 183 and 112 near Eastland, Texas. Today, through a combination of construction projects and acquisitions, the Taurus footprint incorporates more than 1200 miles of low-pressure gathering system, spanning a seven-county area adjacent to Stephens County, Texas and excluding an additional 500 miles of pipe that is presently being activated.

We strive to surround ourselves with like-minded employees that share these common beliefs; loyalty, self-discipline, persistence, accountability, passion, respect (for self and others), and above all, integrity. Taurus is charged with making these guiding principles evident through our actions.

The Taurus team is committed to providing quality service in the areas of gas gathering, compression, treating and processing, along with the capability of delivering producer gas to key NGL and residue markets. We are proud to afford area producers a competitive option for gas sales in an area long held captive to limited markets.

Let’s Work Together